OHLA Colombia receives the BIM 2022 Excellence Award
The Colombian Chamber of Construction (Camacol) and BIM Forum Colombia have awarded OHLA Colombia the BIM 2022 Excellence Award for achieving first place among the projects that participated in the Design – Infrastructure category. Specifically, the company has been awarded for the good use of BIM in the project for the adaptation to the Transmilenio system of the Troncal Ciudad de Cali Avenue Section 1, in Bogota.
In this project, the Building Information Modeling (BIM) collaborative methodology has been used to improve the execution of the works in the design and construction stages. Thanks to the BIM processes, all the documentary information and plans were unified and centralized in one place, which generated better results in planning and execution. The use of collaborative tools has had a positive impact in terms of efficiency and sustainability, by optimizing time and costs, and the responsible use of material resources.