OHL Servicios has been awarded new contracts in Chile for nearly 22 million euros. The work will be developed in the areas of building maintenance, cleaning and integrated waste management.
Thus, it will supply cleaning and integral waste management services at the Hospital Félix Bulnes for more than seven million euro for the Sociedad Concesionaria Metropolitana de Salud. The company will also supply maintenance, installation, industrial equipment and non-clinical furniture services on the same premises for nearly seven million euro. Both contracts are for three years.
In addition, during the next three years, it will also provide cleaning services to Falabella, one of the reference groups in the Latin American retail market. With this contract, which covers a period of three years and a value of more than six million euro, OHL Services gained a position within this sector in Chile.
This work adds up to other cleaning and maintenance services for clients such as the Viña del Mar – Quillota Health Service, the Biobío Regional Work Department, the North Metropolitan Health Service or the Arturo Merino Benítez Airport of the Civil Aeronautics General Department, for a total amount of nearly two million euro.
These new contracts are added to other agreements already being executed in Chile such as the maintenance of the green areas of Chillán, San Javier and Coronel and the street cleaning of Talca within the urban services business line. In the facilities sector, OHL is present in the cleaning activities at the Hospital CRS Peñalolén, Clínica Universitaria la Concepción, Clínica Chillán, Valparaíso Health Service, the offices of the Colina Municipality and the Concepción Municipality, and the cleaning of the Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport parking lot, among others. Additionally, it provides infrastructure maintenance at Clínica Las Condes –one of the country’s reference centers – Enel’s and Colbún’s offices in Santiago.