19 February, 2025


Thanks to our colleagues participating in the special #InternationalWomensDay, for sharing their voice and testimony.
Happy International Women’s Day!

Ära Kuchner

HSEQ Site Engineer Sockenplan Project, Stockholm (Sweden)

“I was attracted to a career in infrastructure because I wanted to be part of something big and to be able to contribute to new social development; and working at OHLA is being transformative, both personally and professionally.

To women interested in the infrastructure sector, a word of advice: don’t be shy, start working! People with heart and soul, kind and valuable, work in construction”.

Nihal Guven

Project Engineer at Gullmarsplan, Stockholm (Sweden)

“I started my career as a project engineer at OHLA in Sweden, where I have had great opportunities to grow professionally. One thing I appreciate is the mix of different ages and experiences we have in the organization. There is a positive atmosphere of multiculturalism and openness. This, coupled with OHLA’s involvement in large and significant projects, makes the work meaningful.”

Carmen Vázquez Herrero

Industrial OHS Coordinator

“At OHLA we also build. We can now see greater female leadership in the company valuing gender-neutral talent and we are seeing that internal promotion is possible. We are confident that this evolution will continue to increase as team diversity improves overall efficiency, problem solving, decision making and innovation.”

Laura Ripado Carretero

Quality Technician

“I’ve always felt supported within the team and valued in my work. In any decision making I am supported and given a voice. I am proud to work at OHLA”.

Olga Pérez Sánchez

Occupational Risk Prevention Technician (Spain)

“I’ve always had great support from the renewables team. My opinion is counted in meetings or in decision making. And, a curiosity: in our work team we are more women than men. I am proud to be part of OHLA”.

Gemma López Coso

OHS Coordinator of OHLA’s Joint Prevention Service (Spain)

My 25-year career with OHLA has given me the opportunity to fulfill myself professionally. In the different teams of which I have been a member, I have been fortunate to grow in the best company and to feel recognized. My greatest treasures are undoubtedly my colleagues.

Cristina López Guerrero

Occupational Health and Safety Technician, CSF Lorca Solar PV (Spain)

“I am lucky to be part of this great family that is OHLA, which has given me the opportunity to be a member of this wonderful team. OHLA has helped me to develop personally and professionally, being able to demonstrate that any gender is capable of whatever it sets its mind to.”

Débora Vázquez Menor

Electrical supervisor at the SP in Cedillo, Extremadura (Spain)

“Experience has taught me that in the world of construction it is difficult to earn a small space, but with hard work and effort it is possible. Little by little we are more and more women who are dedicated to this sector and I have faith that soon there will be no distinction, with tenacity, perseverance and effort we will be ONE more”.

Alison J. Knowles

Chief Human Resources Officer

“Working at OHLA is proving to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my 28+ year career. Being able to create and foster culture, create employee experiences, support strategic initiatives and work with a great group of people makes what I do not only very challenging, but also rewarding.”

Emily Musgrove

Field Engineer in Dyre Ave

“I chose engineering because I’m a mathematically minded person who likes to find creative solutions to problems. I also want to contribute to the fact that more and more wom.

OHLA has taught me many valuable lessons about construction management, job & personal responsibility, & teamwork. Having experience on an MTA job through OHLA has enriched my career in several ways and will no doubt be a valuable asset in my future endeavors”.

Nicole DeFilippi

Project Engineer. Operations – Northeast, Project: Package 5 (USA)

“OHLA’s helped accelerate my career immensely. I’ve been given so many great opportunities to grow, learn, and challenge myself.

I love that the Construction Industry is constantly changing, growing, and advancing. Every day is a new adventure with different challenges and problems to be solved. No two projects are exactly the same, and it’s fun to work with colleagues to problem solve and see “drawings” come to life. I love getting to build monumental projects alongside my OHLA family; there’s a great sense of comradery here, and it is evident in the success of our projects”.

Marie Závalová

Trade and Technical Preparation Specialist (Czech Republic)

“OHLA ŽS, including its predecessors ŽS Brno and OHL ŽS, represents the place where I have been working for 23 years and where I strive to contribute to overcoming the challenges of the complex construction market.

It is also a company that creates a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere for its employees, which is reflected in a positive and relaxed approach that leads to a faster resolution of daily challenges in construction, and through which I have also found many friends.”

Erika Pijáčková

Technological Engineer
(Czech Republic)

“OHLA ŽS offers me the opportunity to apply my theoretical knowledge directly on the construction site. In practice, after a year of experience, I am still a “newcomer”, so every day brings me new challenges”.

Eva Ziklová

Pricing Specialist
(Czech Republic)

OHLA ŽS represents 20 years of interesting and varied work, gathering experience and progressive cooperation in the field of railway construction in a friendly, predominantly male team.

Annye Gonzales Mauricio

Purchasing and logistics assistant, Hospital de Apoyo Sullana II-2 (Peru)

“OHLA has meant in my professional growth to be infected with a collaborative spirit and trust, working with a team that every day adds efforts to take on challenges and meet objectives, the same that we see materialized in emblematic works of great community value that fill us with satisfaction and pride”.

Elena Sánchez, Head of HR and General Services for the Industrial division

Cristina Conde, HR Technician in charge of Personnel Management

Marta Ramos, Recruitment Intern

Irene Antoranz, HR Technician in charge of Recruitment

María Rosa del Olmo, HR document management

“We recognize the essential role of Human Resources in promoting gender equality in the workplace. From inclusive policies to development programs, we are committed to an equitable and diverse future of work – Happy Women’s Day!”