AENOR has awarded OHL the certificate based on the UNE-ISO 37001 standard that endorses its Anti-Bribery Management System and accredits that the company has implemented the best internationally-contrasted practices to combat the commission of crimes in its organization.
The international standard UNE-ISO 37001 specifies the requirements and provides guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining, reviewing and improving an anti-bribery management system within organizations. It also contains global good practices in this area, as it serves as an element of good governance and due diligence in organizations to prevent bribery. Among other requirements, procedures are required to be established for the prevention of activities giving rise to crimes, both internally and with business partners and controlled companies.
AENOR has granted this certification after an exhaustive audit of the measures implemented by OHL within its integrity and transparency policy to prevent, detect and combat practices related to corruption.