Nine decades of experience and a presence in countries such as Spain, USA, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, the Antilles, Czech Republic, Portugal, and Ireland endorse OHL´s history in the field of hospital construction, where it has achieved important milestones:

new-build hospitals
+ 0
million m2
+ 0 thou
50. España. Hospital Collado Villalba
health centers
renovation and restoration projects
+ 0

Digitization of the construction process using the BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology.

Curicó Hospital. Chile

It has a total built area of 109,152.16 m2 distributed over nine floors and equipped with 400 beds. It includes 12 surgical blocks, an emergency room, 5 delivery rooms, 27 A&E cubicles, 17 hemodialysis stations and 52 speciality clinics. BIM methodology was applied throughout design and construction, which is being carried out to highly technical and functional standards.

Incorporation of recognized sustainable and environmental criteria with the prestigious LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design), BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology) and Passivhaus certifications

National Forensic Mental Health Services Hospital. Ireland

Construction of a forensic mental health hospital dedicated to caring for patients with mental illnesses, as a part of St. Ita Hospital complex, in the north of Dublin. The complex covers more than 16 hectares and is designed in the form of a campus, consisting of ten buildings for 120 patients plus other buildings such as energy production, maintenance and horticulture. The project is built according to the criteria defined by the BREEAM Very Good certification.

South Miami Hospital. Florida. USA

Refurbishment and expansion works of the hospital and its grounds over a total area of 26.244 m2, including the refurbishing of the Heart Center, the intensive care unit for newborns, prenatal clinic, and delivery rooms among other areas. The project demanded compliance with stringent requirements, including a strict infection control programme. BIM methodology was utilised given the characteristics of the structural and MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Engineering) systems.

Albacete University Hospital Complex. Spain

Expansion and renovation of the hospital that, once the works are completed, will have a built area of 92,246 m2, 696 beds and 29 operating rooms. In addition, the building will have the B energy certification, which is mandatory in compliance with the Technical Building Code regarding energy saving and thermal insulation.

It will also be carried out the renovation of the existing care areas, while keeping the center open. Of particular note is the surgical block, which will be expanded from 15 to 23 operating rooms, the replacement of the four existing delivery rooms by four labor, delivery and recovery units, and the renovation of current functional spaces for resuscitation and ICU, in order to increase the number of available beds and facilitate their connection.