ELSAN is awarded a road maintenance contract in the south of Valencia for 26 million euros
ELSAN, a subsidiary of OHLA specialized in road maintenance and an expert in the research and development of sustainable asphalts, has been awarded the contract for the conservation, adaptation and maintenance of the transport infrastructure of the Generalitat Valenciana on the roads of Lot 2: Valencia South for an amount close to 26 million euros over the next five years.

The works include, among other activities, emergency attention, road infrastructure maintenance, cleaning tasks, pavement maintenance, drainage network, signaling and defenses, as well as the maintenance of lighting, traffic lights and landscaped areas. All these actions are aimed at promoting sustainable mobility and recovering the natural conditions of the environment.
Commitment to sustainability and innovation
This contract is in addition to others in which ELSAN is committed to sustainability and innovation with the implementation of measures aimed at protecting the environment. By using sustainable materials and manufacturing techniques, including the reuse of waste and recycled materials, the company contributes to reducing its carbon footprint, promoting the circular economy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
En concreto, en las tareas de adecuación de los pavimentos, prima el empleo de mezclas bituminosas fabricadas a baja temperatura y el uso de áridos reciclados, como árido siderúrgico, bioemulsiones y betún modificado con polvo de caucho. Asimismo, se proponen mejoras funcionales con pavimentos sonorreductores y tratamiento fotocatalítico para travesías, mezclas con betunes de alta viscosidad y anticarburantes en paradas de autobús, y otros pavimentos específicos para el acondicionamiento de carriles bici, glorietas y estructuras.
Specifically, in pavement upgrading work, the use of low-temperature asphalt mixes and recycled aggregates, such as steel aggregate, bioemulsions and bitumen modified with rubber powder, is a priority. Functional improvements are also proposed with sound-reducing pavements and photocatalytic treatment for crossings, mixes with high viscosity and anti-fuel bitumens at bus stops, and other specific pavements for the conditioning of bicycle lanes, traffic circles and structures.
ELSAN, with more than 20 years of experience in comprehensive road maintenance and asphalt works, already carried out the road maintenance of Lot 2: Valencia South during the period 2017-2021, as well as the one corresponding to the area of Castellón South. His portfolio includes important maintenance contracts for roads under the Ministry of Transport, such as the AP-7 in Barcelona and the A-66 in León.