Ingesan shows its commitment to social integration at the Boosting Employability conference held in Malaga
Ingesan, the head subsidiary of the OHLA Services line of activity, has once again demonstrated its commitment in favor of social integration through job opportunities at the Boosting Employability meeting, held in Malaga on October 27 and 28. The initiative, organized by the Don Bosco Salesianos Social Foundation and held, for the first time, in the capital of the Province of Malaga, counted on the participation of about 150 people who have received advice and guidance on labor matters from the representatives of the companies participants in the appointment. The Malaga Provincial Council, the City Council and the Employment Department of the Junta de Andalucía have also supported the initiative.
The conferences have focused on promoting the social responsibility of the Malaga business fabric, in responding to the needs to cover job offers from collaborating companies, in caring for job seekers who present greater vulnerability, and in the promoting collaboration between the business sector and the Don Bosco Foundation. For that purpose, there have been experiential motivational talks, training skills workshops and selection processes.
For more than two decades, Ingesan has been committed in favor of full social integration through job opportunities. In all this time, it has hired more than 600 people belonging to vulnerable groups or at risk of exclusion, in collaboration with social entities such as the Randstad Foundation, the Adecco Foundation, the Red Cross, Down Madrid, the Gypsy Secretariat Foundation and the Don Bosco Foundation.