2309 Línea D del Metro de Praga OHLA
OHLA ŽS has participated in projects such as the Střížkov Metro station also in Prague.

OHLA, through its subsidiary OHLA  ŽS, will participate in the execution of the first stage of the new line D of Prague Metro. The project called I.D1a includes 2 stations (Pankrác and Olbrachtova) and their connecting section, followed by a stage I.D1b with 3 stations (Nádraží Krč, Nemocnice Krč and Nové Dvory). The total value of the first stage of the new “line D” of Prague Metro is 573 million EUR (13,75 billion CZK).

The new line “D’, the blue one, will long 10,6 kms, 10 stations and a new train depot. Estimated cost will probably exceed 4 billion EUR and the new line should be opened to public in Fall of 2029, operated by automated driverless trains.