Ingesan boosts smart recycling with two new contracts in Catalonia
Ingesan boosts smart recycling with two new contracts in Catalonia.
The first contract, worth more than three million euros and with a duration of three years, consists of the renovation and installation of new waste collection systems in the Bages region. The second is focused on the management of waste collection in the Pla de l’Estany region, a project that the company will carry out in a joint venture over the next four years for a value of close to four million euros.
El Bages project includes the installation of “smart containers” and “door-to-door” waste collection. The special feature of the smart garbage cans is that they are opened with an individualized card that helps to record how much and how it is recycled. In addition, door-to-door waste collection avoids the presence of waste in the street and encourages better waste separation by taking out the requested fraction on the day indicated. With the implementation of these services, selective waste collection and recycling is expected to increase to 75%.
The waste collection management contract in the Pla de l’Estany region will be carried out in all the municipalities of the region with the exception of Banyoles, which has its own contract. The activities include the supply of waste collection compactor trucks and the installation of containers equipped with the identification technology required to provide the service.
Sustainable waste collection and management
Ingesan has more than five years of experience in the provision of sustainable waste management services throughout Spain. The company executes important contracts for collection, management, transport and treatment of waste in several districts of Madrid, in Els Poblet, Alicante; in Loja, Granada; in Ecija, Seville and for the port authorities of Bilbao and Algeciras, Cadiz, among others.